Support our Work
Our mission is to improve the quality of life and urban vitality for those who live, work, and play in central Connecticut. As a non-profit organization with a year-round staff of only 16, we rely on corporate, foundation, and individual contributions as well as volunteers to continue the extensive work we do, including maintaining our parks, coordinating and hosting events, and providing opportunities for recreation and outdoor adventures.
We are the first and only organization in Connecticut to offer this breadth of programming and opportunities. Our events and programs provide adults and children with experiences and access to a scenic and natural environment not found in an urban area. Our passion and unique expertise in event coordination, waterfront planning, and recreational activities allow us to do all of this with our staff and plenty of community support.
Whatever your reason for visiting and enjoying the Riverfront – we hope you will choose to give and volunteer to support Riverfront Recapture’s parks, events, and programs. Thank you, in advance, for joining our Riverfront family, and for playing a role in attracting nearly one million visitors to the river and our parks each year.