Project Elements
Park Development Area – Utilizing a park planning process that incorporates meaningful community engagement, Riverfront Recapture envisions building a park that will support recreation, youth programs, large-scale community events & festivals, trails, public art, and community gathering spaces.
Shared Use Path – The multimodal trail will connect Hartford’s Joe Marfuggi Riverwalk and the Windsor Riverwalk, closing the final gap in a seven-plus mile Riverwalk system linking the region from South Windsor to the south end of Hartford and East Hartford.
Garmany Cove – Future home to Riverfront Recapture’s Paddle sport and outdoors center. Clean fill excavated from the cove will be used to remediate the property and raise the commercial development area out of the floodplain.
Commercial Development Site – Approximately 10 acres of the project site have been identified for complementary commercial development to support future park operations, act as a catalyst for economic development and increase property values in adjacent areas. As part of the remediation process, the 10 acres of uplands will be raised out of the floodplain utilizing soil excavated from Garmany Cove. The site is well suited for mixed-use development, including multifamily housing, retail, and dining.
Windsor Meadows State Park – Riverfront Recapture will open and maintain 16 acres of previously inaccessible public land through a management agreement with the State of Connecticut. Plans for this park area include picnic groves, meadow plantings, and secondary trails.
Wetlands – Designed and built near Meadow Brook to reduce runoff and improve water quality & wildlife habitat in the park. Educational signage will highlight the impact of wetlands, and the wetland can serve as an educational resource for the school children and the wider community.