Youth Rowing Clinics
Register for Riverfront Rowing's Youth Clinics This Summer
Want your child to try a new sport? This is an excellent way to see if rowing is the sport for them and prepare them for tryouts for our team or their high-school team this fall. If your child is already rowing, our intermediate clinics will improve their technique before the season begins. All clinics are held at the Riverfront Boathouse in Riverside Park, located at 20 Leibert Road in Hartford, CT.
This clinic is free to residents of Hartford & East Hartford, $165 for those who attend school in Hartford or East Hartford but reside in a different community, and $465 for all other participants.
Beginner Rowing Clinics 7 spots left
Session 2: July 29 – August 1
9 am – 4 pm, includes lunch
This clinic introduces rowing to those with no previous experience. It’s a great way to get a head start if you’re planning to row in high school or simply to try something new. We’ll get on the water and learn the rowing stroke, rowing terminology, and boat handling skills.
Beginner clinics are open to participants ages 12-18. All participants must know how to swim.
Intermediate and Experienced Rowing Clinics 2 spots left
Session 2: July 29 – August 1
9 am – 4 pm, includes lunch
Rowing is a sport that may be easy to learn but takes a lifetime to master. Continue to improve your technique during this four-day clinic that will also cover topics of interest to rowers such as improving 2k scores or injury prevention
Intermediate clinics are open to participants ages 12-18 with previous rowing experience.