Youth Rowing

Our youth rowing program blends urban and suburban participants who practice and race together, giving both groups the opportunity to learn from one another in our own version of a magnet school for rowers. Past rowers have earned rowing scholarships to college, participated on US Junior National Development Teams, and earned invitations to the prestigious USRowing Youth Nationals.

Our youth rowing program is open to all students in grades 8 – 12, no prior experience necessary. All youth programs are free to residents of Hartford & East Hartford. Current program offerings are listed below.

Current Programs

Indoor Training
January 6 – February 26, Mondays & Wednesdays, 4 – 5:30 pm
Class includes erging, technical instruction, core exercises and stretching routines. Register here.

High Performance Strength Training
January 7 – February 27, Tuesdays & Thursdays, 4:45 – 5:55 pm
Our High Performance Strength Training program develops rowers into athletes first. All programming is individualized within a supportive team environment. Our training system focuses on developing proper movement techniques to improve athlete longevity and rowing performance while teaching injury prevention skills. Athletic qualities, including mobility, power, strength, and aerobic capacity, are targeted in each training session. All movements and exercises will be scaled to training age.  Taught by our very own Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist (CSCS), Nick Carso.  Open to High School students only.  Class is limited to 8 athletes. Register here. 

Spring Rowing
March 10 – May 21, Monday through Friday, 3:45 – 6 pm (please note new practice end time)
Registration NOW OPEN for the Spring Rowing Season!  Register here

Important Dates

  • Monday March 10, 5:30 – 6:30 pm: Parent/Athlete Informational Meeting; at the boathouse
  • Tuesday, March 11: First Day of Practice!
  • Sat/Sun April 26 – 27, Saratoga Invitational, Saratoga, NY
  • Sat/Sun May 10 – 11, Amber Zapatka/Lowell Invitational, Lowell, MA
  • Sat/Sun May 17 – 18, USRowing Northeast Regional Championships, Lowell, MA
  • Wednesday, May 21: Spring Banquet, 6 – 8:30 pm at the boathouse

Questions? Contact Jonathan Near via email. All rowing programs are operated out of the Riverfront Boathouse in Riverside Park, 20 Leibert Road, Hartford, CT.

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Make a donation to the equipment fund or the Stewards Fund today.